I've only worked on a crew so I don't know what an assoc. would be like. I created a stir on another board with my thoughts as it's my belief that in an assoc. there would be, to a greater or lesser extent depending on where I was, a "good old boys" network when it came to game assignments and that would definately turn me off. The flip side is that a crew could be seen as the "house" crew for some schools but that's largely not true as the visiting team can veto any crew if they want. Now, before you assoc. guys blast me, this is only my concept and as I said, there is no experience on my part with it.
I would definately like to have the teaching, etc., that would come in an assoc. and I think that a more consistent product would result from that. I'm sure that there is a lot of inconsistency and a set way of doing things if you're never exposed to the training of an assoc. However, we just try and go by the Official's Manual and ask lots of questions of other officials and of course read this newsgroup.