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Old Tue Oct 05, 2004, 01:31pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Lightbulb That is not an issue for folks that work on crews.

Originally posted by JasonTX
The thing with the crew system you can tell that they have gelled and know each others abilities, but they miss out on the extra knowledge that other members have. They also build habits that are different from the next crew.
You can learn things from other officials without having to work with them. Lower level officials in my area are going to work with a lot of officials. But when the lights come on for real in the varsity game and the games that end up in the paper, I think it is better to work with people you are very familiar with. We just had a meeting last night (Mid season meeting) and I learned a lot from the stories and situations we talked about. I do not think "learning things" having anything to do with working with a regular crew or not working with a regular crew. And just because you are on a crew, that does not mean you cannot work with others. I work with different people all the time and I am on a crew.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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