For Pete's sake, are we not umpires and officials here?
A little jeering and name calling should be par for the course. This is an opinion Board and we take a risk when we post our ideas, opinions and suggestions. Just like the calls we make, some people are bound to oppose them. The beauty of this operation is that you can read the items without feeling the pressure to comment. Conversely, you can comment and not feel threatened because of the distance afforded by the internet. When are we going to realize that much like offensive radio, television or movies, you don't have to watch. No one is forced to read a thread or participate in a discussion here. Rather than complain and beg a Moderator to "Make the mean man stop.", do a little soul searching. I have seen some tremendous battles of wills on this site over the years. That's right, I was one of those that enjoyed watching and reading, prior to engaging in the debate. Soemtimes the flames were brilliant and other times quite caustic. Other than feelings, no one ever was hurt.
If you take the risk of placing your ideas for the world to see, expect some ramifications. Some members insinuate that umpire numbers are so low because of the in-fighting and "Big Dog" effect. That's rubbish...this trade is the same as any. You need to have a passion for it. That commitment must be strong if you are to excel to the highest levels. Sit in teh stands at a MLB game and listen to what is being thrown at the umpires. While some of what is being said is brutal, toughen up or look the other way if if doesn't involve you. We try to help here, sometimes that help comes in the form of a punch and sometimes a pat on the back.