Originally posted by crumii
This one happened during my weekend game. I'm just a player...not an ump. I wonder if the right call was made.
Our runner crossed home plate but missed tagging it by several inches. He made no attempt to get back and touch home because the catcher was standing there with the ball and would have made the tag. The defensive team immediately started yelling at their catcher to go over and tag our guy, who was almost to our dugout. The catcher started to go towards him, but came back to the plate when our other baserunner ran from 3rd to home. The second runner crossed home plate without being tagged out, but then the ump called our previous runner out when he left the field of play and entered the dugout.
My questions: should the ump have called our runner out even though no tag was applied? The defensive team had not made a protest, other than to yell at their catcher to make the tag. Also, would the second run count since he crossed the plate before the "out" call was made? I doubt it, but just wondering.
JMHO, but I don't think a proper live ball appeal was made.
Since R1 was not out at this point, I would have allowed the
run by the second runner. Don't do much ASA, but that would
have been my ruling at the time.