Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Manny "Gawd-we're-just-happy-to-get-in-the-stadium-without-paying-for-a-ticket" Ramirez
I've been sticking up for Manny for the last couple years. I hope you mean this as a joke, b/c if not, you just really don't have any idea about him. He is a different personality, no question. But he is just as dedicated and wants to win just as much as anybody on the Yankees. In New York, you probably don't get to see how hard he's worked on his defense and how much improved his "hustle" is. Yes, he's overpaid (even by MLB standards), but any team would be happy to have him. And if they say they wouldn't, then they're lying or stupid. JMHO, as always.
Chuck, did you see the story in the Boston Globe this morning? Apparently Manny has gone back to the Dominican for his fall vacation. The BoSox are hoping that he might return by Tuesday. If not Tuesday, then maybe Wednesday. Or Thursday.
PS- Dan? You don't want to see Chuck mad. It is a fearsome, nay dare I say dangerous, sight!

[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Oct 4th, 2004 at 03:30 PM]
Yeah, I've heard that!
In fact there was a rumor going around at camp that CHuck got so mad at a coach he actually crushed an entire grape with his bare hands during dinner after the game.
btw, how long have you been holding onto that link?