Thread: 10/1/04 games
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Old Sat Oct 02, 2004, 02:44pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally posted by SouthGARef
It was evident they didn't know the rules (suprise, suprise) as when we had illegal formation on the offense, but then DPI on them... they thought you couldn't have DPI on an illegal formation...
Huh? Am I missing something here?

This play wasn't used, but the home team says it's in their playbook. They run a play purposely with 10 players and he'll gain about two yards. An 11th player will enter the huddle when the RFP is blown, and one of the players will exit as if he's a substitute, but then they'll run the "hidden man" play. Of course, they do all get within 15 yards sometime after the RFP. I didn't like it, and neither did the umpire--we insisted it was unfair tactics. Our white hat insisted the play was legal. Your thoughts?
Take your pick!

Several A substitutes enter the field between downs and go to the team's huddle, but one replaced player does not leave immediately and is not detected. However, when they break the huddle the replaced player runs toward his sideline and leaves the field just before the ball is snapped.

RULING: An illegal participation foul if the official judges that A was using a replaced player or substitute in a substitution or pretended substitution to deceive the opponents. If not, it is illegal substitution. (3-7-2)

COMMENT: It is becoming prevalent to see more than 11 players/replaced players in a team's huddle or in the defensive formation between downs. The replaced player is to leave the field immediately and in such a manner that it does not confuse or deceive the opponents.

Following a kickoff return, A1 and A2 enter the field while A3, A4 and A5 move toward the sideline. A5 stops within 15 yards of the ball while A3 and A4 continue to the team box. The ball is snapped without a huddle and the quarterback throws a forward pass to A5, who has gone downfield as a wide receiver.

RULING: This play is illegal because a pretended substitution is used to deceive the opponents. The penalty of 15 yards for the illegal participation foul will be administered from the previous spot since the foul occurred at the snap. (9-6-4c)

Buy your white hat a case book!
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