Originally posted by mcrowder
We had a sitch where a player was suspended for a half by game administration. After a play in which he ran the ball, and we'd already moved chains, our admin came and told us that he should not have played, and we needed to rule USC on the play. We asked him where the ball was before we'd moved the chains. He did not know, so we did not enforce this "out-of-rulebook" penalty. If admin is going to disrupt the game, he damn well better be able to tell us EXACTLY what we are required to "fix" it, or we simply can't.
I realize that this is pee-wees and they have their own quirks, but what if this came up in a strictly Fed. situation?
I don't have USC in any situation, but even if it was USC, the penalty would be administered from the succeding spot.
If an
ejected player returns, we have illegal participation. 9-6-4e
However, a
suspended player (school, league, state, etc.) doesn't fall under our jurisdiction. I know that I've read a ruling on that somewhre. It's probably a state ruling, but I'm not sure. Can anybody help out?