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Old Fri Oct 01, 2004, 01:29pm
His High Holiness His High Holiness is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 345
Originally posted by scyguy
I understand, but for now, I need a gameplan. If I do a game tomorrow and it happens, I must make a ruling. What are you going to do if it happens to you?

You understand perfectly. You are a practical umpire who does not get hung up on third world plays and other minutia that is the stomping grounds of rules nerds.

What is going on here is interesting for people who like to have intellectual discussions about rules. However, real umpires solve real problems with real world solutions that will keep them out of trouble. You have scored an A in that department. You are ready for the next level. You have figured out that it is often more important to convince others on a baseball field that you are right than to actually be right.

Common sense and fair play will generally carry the day. It is also important to know the real rule in order to finesse yourself through the minefields.

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