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Old Fri Oct 01, 2004, 10:57am
scyguy scyguy is offline
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Posts: 335
I will award the out on the line drive and leave ball live. I will justify by saying that the ball may have been lodged, but the glove was not removed and tossed.

Continue with your scenario, what if R3 tags, sees ball is lodged in F3's glove and runs for home. F3 cannot retrieve ball from glove so a) he gets out of glove but run scores ahead of throw, or b)tosses glove to catcher in time for a tag at plate.

I see A as a run scored, live ball situation. Now, I see B as an immediate dead ball when glove is flying thru the air, with R3 awarded home, R2 awarded home and R1 awarded third.

At this point, unless told differently by the FED, if glove is tossed, two bases, if ball gets lodged, then dig it out--live ball.
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