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Old Thu Sep 30, 2004, 07:28am
STEVED21 STEVED21 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 223
In last night's Miami Marshall game, there was kick catching interference on Miami with 8 sec to go in the half. 15 yds were marked off from the spot of the foul then Marshall tried a 50+ FG from normal scrimmage kick formation on the near hash mark. It went way left.

Question: under NCAA rules, do they have the same option as Fed to free kick for FG from any place between hashes or was that gone after they took the 15 yds? Or is the free kick not an option at all?

PS. Miami took 3 consecutive TO's. I was waiting for the Marshall HC in the 5 min of dead time to realize he could free kick.
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