Thread: PSK on FG
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Old Thu Sep 30, 2004, 01:01am
PSU213 PSU213 is offline
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Posts: 522
Originally posted by Jaysef
Welcome the input of this discussion board on the following:

4th and 3 on Rs 25. Field goal attempt falls short, ball rolls to 6 , and is dead, untouched. During the kick, R is flagged for holding at the 10yl. Where is penalty enforced?

To me, PSK applies, and the spot of the foul is beyond the the basic spot(end of kick). Therefore, half the distance fromthe 6, 1st and 10 for R from the 3. Am I looking at this backwards?

Forgive me if this sounds too easy, It's my 2nd year.

I agree that PSK does apply. I only wanted to say, for all us NF officials, it is everyone's 2nd year when it comes to PSK (and please don't bring up that they tested this someplace before last year!!).
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