Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
Letting the play stand would be easier, but we have to enforce a lot of other rules that make us look silly, so why should this one be any different.
Now, some of you will say, He cant over rule his partner. We talked about this before. This is exactly what Ive proposed all along. One guy made a call, without benefit of all of the information. His partner sees something (in this case an incorrect judgement call and ruling) and informs his partner(s) of the issue. I have said that I would ask for consensus and try to make the right call - no matter how ridiculous the FED interp. Ive remained consistent, now, what would you do in this situation?
I agree with you and yes, I was curious to see if you would move on the "overturn your partner" position.
In case 1 (the hot line drive), the BR is out for out #3 because the ball was "caught" before it became "lodged".
In case 2 (screaming one hopper), the right thing is to put the runners back on base with the appropriate advancements for a lodged ball. The tag at 3rd occured after the ball became lodged. Prepare to deal with the $hi+house.
If I know that my partner has interpreted a rule incorrectly, I must step up and correct this for three reasons: (1) little dogs lie quietly because it is easy (2) leaders make calls and live with it (3) that is what umpires are paid for. Leadership is about stepping up and taking the right position, even when it is unpopular.