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Old Wed Sep 29, 2004, 09:34am
Atl Blue Atl Blue is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 159
Outs made prior to the ball becoming lodged stand.

The problem with this interpretation is that the ball is lodged as soon as it goes INTO the glove, not when an umpire sees that the player can't remove it. Therefore, with the above ruling, ANY outs made after the ball is caught would not be allowed because the ball is lodged.

The logical answer is the player that caught the ball, even if the ball is "lodged", can do anything to cause an out (i.e., tag a base, tag a runner, make the catch, etc.). What he can't do is remove the glove and give/toss it to another player, or use the detached glove to tag a runner.

The problem lies not with the person that still has the ball, it lies with what to do when he can't give it to someone else. That's the point where we should stop allowing outs and award bases. Anything prior to trying to remove the ball stands.
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