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Old Wed Sep 29, 2004, 08:28am
SF SF is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 186
I just don't understand parents and coaches that are like that. I went to my brother's (8th grade) basketball game last weekend, but I don't think I would go to anymore games because his coach drives me crazy. He has all kinds and antics and always wants to blame everything on the refs. A player got called for a fifth foul and he threw a hat against the ground and - WHACK - and now he's really mad. He turns to the stands, knowing I ref, and asks me "should I have been T'd up for that." I just nodded. He's turns around and says - loudly - "every f****** ref in the world is out to get us" and then he's gone. Really, what was he thinking? When has a ref ever taken back a foul because the coach yelled?
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