Originally posted by Brian Watson
If I go from fed to NCAA games I am expected to knopw the rulles, regardles if I do fed every other game. Same with the NBA officials, if they go down to work NCAA they are expected to know the rules of the level they are working.
I totally agree with this. Announcers have an especially huge responsibility, since they influence so many people. What the announcer thinks about the coaches or the plays or the owners has some effect, but those people can speak up for them selves in the media and have some mitigating effect. We (presumptuously putting myself in with the NCAA tournament refs), however, very seldom get a chance to defend ourselves, even during the game itself, and especially not later to the public. And it affects even someone as lowly as me, since the public has only the announcers' words to go by. They don't EVER look at the discussion and comparison that this board constantly exercises. I would suspect that less than 10% of the general population even know that the different levels, leagues, and groupings have different rules. I wish, ta a mininum, that the announcers would be required to give a kind of "Don't try this at home" disclaimer, which would give a clue that the rules are different depending on the circumstances.