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Old Fri Sep 24, 2004, 04:03pm
SC Ump SC Ump is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Columbia, SC
Posts: 994
I have done some magic in the past. Once at the plate, with one team there and us waiting on the other team, I did the old trick where the coin disappears and reappears behind someone's ear. After that, they didn't trust my coin nor the honesty of my coin flip. I had to let my partner flip his coin.

Now, no more tricks. Just one flip.

If kids on just one team come to plate, I ask which one of them wants to call it.

If kids on both teams come to the plate (which seems to be the norm) I ask who came the furtherest to be at the tournament and let them call.

If no kids come to the plate, I will just ask, "so who's going to call it?" I've never had a problem getting an almost immediate answer.

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