Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by jritchie
talk about a soft touch!! 
what would be the appropriate time to wait to make sure it's not going to fall in?
When it comes to rest (stops moving)
And wait a little to see. I blew this once too soon, and it fell off, just as I was at full whistle. What a stupid mistake!!
I assume you mean it was a mistake b/c it was the 2nd or the first of a one & one. You then had to go by the arrow since you blew your whistle. If it was the 1st of 2 then you would just call it an inadvertent whistle.
I had something similar happen recently where the ball nicked the rim but the center thought it missed. The center blew her whistle to call a violation. The ball actually went out of bounds and I was just going to let it go but the trail blew his whistle and called a jump ball. The trail did the right thing because there was not a violation on the shooter. Luckly the arrow was going the other way so the coach didn't raise hell about it (or even know what was going on
