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Old Thu Sep 23, 2004, 11:54am
WindyCityBlue WindyCityBlue is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 554
Cowboyfan 1 -
You really must go back and see how this began.
What seems like an eon ago, I took umbrage at a statement that condemned "Big Dogs" - the guys that get the best games and have the most influence. I said that most of us got there by busting our butts and proving our worth. Further, some of us have taken it upon ourselves to invest in Professional School and the best equipment. We attend and instruct at workshops and try to mentor those with similar aspirations. Some “Big Dogs” dream of cracking the big leagues, while others rule their domain with impunity. Almost every association has a “Big Dog” - someone who is more accomplished and acts as the “go to guy” for questions. I have never assumed this moniker, but probably qualify. I was amused by those that belittled our achievements as a**kissing and political play. Thus, began the “my resumé” is bigger than yours. Because I work a certain level of baseball and take pride in it, others have lit their torches and rallied their cohorts. Imagine my chagrin when one of my friends recognizes me from these exchanges and asks why I bother to try to prove myself to those that will never understand that life rewards some more than others.

When the name calling began, I was more than up to the challenge. Some members said that I must have something to hide, because of the nom de net I chose. Yet, they can’t understand why I would reveal my name to the very people that are so angry at someone they have never met. The logic eludes me. I have offered plenty of helpful advice and encouragement here. I have also engaged in some pretty heated commentary. At the end of the day, some things remained unchanged. My schedule remains top notch and my sleep goes unencumbered. I come to this site for amusement - occasionally I will learn a new technique or see something that opens my eyes. A funny thing though, a couple of members that claim extensive knowledge and experience seem to use this site to stir the pot rather than actually offer advice or answer a question. You know who I am talking about - one feels free to post his accomplishments and talk about his latest feat. The other has made flip flopping an artform. One day he claims that he is an enemy of the Editor and the next he is on his knees at the shrine.

I’m not sure why you have an axe to grind with me. I’ve read your posts on this and the other sports boards. You know that anyone who takes a position here is subject to scrutiny. I’ve taken some pretty sensitive positions and maintained some controversial opinions. As officials we should be used to having our decisions challenged. Name calling doesn’t bother me, my skin is too thick.

I know many accomplished officials and can claim friends at the highest levels. I’ve worked with umpires who have worked MLB and others who are on their first games. Some of these guys are humble, but ego plays a huge part in most of their lives. They would never have achieved that level without that confidence you find abhorrent. “The Greatest” didn’t need to brag about being good, because everyone told him he was. Yet, Muhammad Ali showed the world that if you back it up, you can talk. None of these guys has ever set foot on a ball field with me. They asked for my experience, I provided it and now they are flinging stones up the hill. I’ve got my plate gear on, so hurl away. I learned a long time ago how to take a direct hit. None of theirs is even near the zone yet.

Bob Lyle -
Considering that B-F has long been sold and I have referred to the PBUC system many times, I would have figured that my age would have been more apparent. It’s funny, more than a few people assumed that I was younger. I guess you are only as old as you feel and I feel like playing golf, right now.

Altar Boy -
For some reason, the moderators felt compelled to delete my response to you. That's too bad, you would have liked it.