Originally posted by whiskers_ump
Made this call last nite in HS fall ball. Runner was
taking lead from orange portion. Both coaches agreed
with the call and in turn, told their players the way
that they should be positioning themselves.
However, in an ASA State tournament four years agao, had
the UIC tell me to not ever make that call - again. He
said it was a cheap out and he would not allow it on his
fields. (George Staddard (spelling)
No Mike, I did not ask him when he purchased the fields.
I'm sort of curious as to how the protest would be handled in such a situation.
As the umpire, I'm not going to lie to the coach. I'm going to tell him straight up that I was directed to ignore that rule.
This would give the manager legal recourse to file a protest as this is obviously not a judgment call.