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Old Wed Sep 22, 2004, 10:58am
blindzebra blindzebra is offline
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Originally posted by lrpalmer3
Originally posted by rainmaker

It apepars to me that you're AGREEING with Jurassic and me, not refuting! Am I missing something?
Most definitely!!! I am agreeing with you and Jurassic. Your point is so obvious to me that I refuse to discuss it.

But this case play is confusing because it means that the dribble CONTINUES even when the player goes out of bounds. Someone explain THAT!!!!!
It's called an interrupted dribble.

This case does not prove JR and Rainmaker's point. The difference is that this play COULD be a pass and that pass occurred BEFORE they went OOB.

A toss to save a ball looks very different than a normal dribble. If A1 dribbles and steps out it's a violation right there. If they are dribbling and about to step out and realize it and toss the ball, well that ended the dribble, and on release player control ends. In THIS play if they recover the ball it would be a violation.

You still can't dribble step out and THEN decide to end your dribble.
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