Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by Mark Dexter
Originally posted by Ref in PA
Right before he goes oob, he voluntarily gives up his dribble and control by pushing the ball down court along the sideling inbounds. On the next step after he releases the ball, his momentum takes him oob.
Apples and oranges here.
By "pushing the ball down court," A1 has given up control of the ball. No player control, no OOB in this case - as long as the ball is actually away before he steps on the line.
Doesn't the exact same logic apply if the player refuses to touch the ball again after stepping OOB? What's the difference? The player has given up player control also in that case, hasn't he, and no player control- no OOB?
But in my case, the player has given up control after being OOB. Therefore, they had control when they went OOB, and we have a violation.
If he had pulled his hand away, as if to give up control, and then stepped OOB, then it
might be a different story . . .