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Old Tue Sep 21, 2004, 10:14am
Robmoz Robmoz is offline
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With so many schools opting for "pay to play" due to budget problems, I would be in favor of reverting to the 2-man system if it meant that more kids could participate in athletic programs.

The quality issue aside, I haven't seen significant identifiable evidence that a 3-man crew adds more value at least to justify the cost. I hate to play the economics card here but it is a reality that can be addressed. If a team can save $1,000 a season, who am I to demand the third official.

Better yet, who is gonna tell Janie and Johnny's parents that they have to fork out $200 to allow their kids to play sports -- but the officiating will be better with 3-man, for a price?
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done."
Chris Z.
Detroit/SE Michigan