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Old Mon Sep 20, 2004, 05:28pm
DownTownTonyBrown DownTownTonyBrown is offline
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Zactly !!!

Originally posted by chuckfan1
...Its an HTBT, because in plays like this, each batter, catcher, and the ball, could be in a different spot.
On this, for me, If I see the batter make some, any type of effort to get out of the way, and then gets dinged by a throw, I got nothing.
Why? Well, who put the ball there? The defense. Lets see, F1 makes a wild pitch. F2, cant stop pitch, and lets it get by. Sometimes F2 tries to stop it, and it dings off him in any number of directions. Batter sees this, and his reaction is to get out of the way. On wild pitches/pass balls, I dont think Ive ever seen the batter just stand there, with a runner coming in from 3rd.
So, now F2 scambles to get the ball, which also could pinball around the backstop, which F1 and F2 put there, and flings a throw back to the plate. And it hits Batter.
The defense put the ball there, the batter did try to get out of the way, but maybe in doing so, he got into a possible path of an upcoming throw by F2. But thats because of the defensive inabilty to make a credible pitch [catch].
If I see the Batter make enough of an effort [any effort] to get out of the way, I have nothing. Not when the defense is playing slopping things up.
And I'm watching the batter and telling him to get out of the way. "Get out of the way!" If he makes that attempt to get out of the way then, so sad, too bad, crappy defense.
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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