Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by Jimgolf
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by Jimgolf
From NFHS site description of differences between NFHS and NCAA: "Player out of bounds - first to touch the ball gaining advantage - Technical Foul".
I stand corrected. Even though I'm sitting. Thanks for playing devil's advocate, Jurassic.
It shouldn't be "first to touch the ball" should it? It's not illegal to be the first to touch the ball after being out of bounds as long as you're not touching out of bounds when you touch the ball.
This is not an OOB violation. The violation is for stepping OOB on purpose & then being the first player to touch the ball after you come back in. Used to be a T.
Whether it is or is not, this is the verbiage from NFHS. It says HS Technical, NCAA Violation.
Jim, I'm not arguing your chart.
All I'm saying (to Juulie) is that the violation is not an OOB violation, so the usual OOB stuff - like you can be first to touch after going OOB after returning inbounds - does not apply.
Yea, I got that. I'm objecting to the wording. It's another case where a poorly worded sentence gives the wrong impression to the "great unwashed."
Editted to add: I just looked at the above linked page, and I'm appalled. How incredibly confusing! Nothing about that it's referring to the "leaving the court for unauthorized reasons" situation. It just says, "oob - first to touch the ball - gain advantage/ technical foul" Why would anyone think it meant anything other than "first to touch after being out of bounds."? In fact, where is there any reference to leaving the court for unauthorized reasons? How could we possibly convince anyone else that this is what it refers to? Do we need another letter to Mary Struckhoff?
[Edited by rainmaker on Sep 18th, 2004 at 01:35 PM]