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Old Thu Sep 16, 2004, 09:21pm
mick mick is offline
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953

I'm Trail.
A1 in front court gets ball batted away by B1.
Ball bounced in FC near division line.
A2 gets to FC ball with a batt, ball bounces in back court and A2 picks it up.
Fox blows O/B.
I give the spot and head the other way passing Bench A.
Coach A: "What? it was tipped!
I quickly explain to Coach A about team conrol. She didn't understand but nodded.

Well into Front court, waiting for throw-in, my young partner walked 30 feet.
He said: "It was tipped!"
I said "I know. B ball."
Gym was dead silent. Players were waiting.
Partner said: "But, it was tipped!"
I said : "We're not gonna talk about it. Throw it in."

I'm Lead.
Baseline after basket.
A1 throws to A2 behind end line.
A2 throws to A3 inbounds.
A3 throws to A4.
A4 dribbles twice.
But, A4 remembered she was supposed to throw it in.
A4 picks up ball and backs up 8 feet for a do-over.
[Waiting, waiting, waiting]
My Fox blows travel from division line.

I'm Lead.
Jump ball tableside division line. B ball.
I jog toward endline.
Teams A and B line up at other end.
I'm all alone.
(Trick Play?)
Partner starts administering ball to A1.
My Fox blows a "Check the arrow."

I'm Trail.
B scores with 10.6 seconds left. [Score: A-24; B-25]
I turn to Coach A. (She's coaching her second game, 4 timeouts in the book.)
I turn back to see partner bouncing ball to A1. (B1 had bounced "scored" ball to partner.)
A1 studies clock [Tick, tick, tick]

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