Or, R3, smash back to the pitcher, ball lodges in pitcher's mitt, R3 hung up, pitcher runs toward R3, who retreats toward 3B. Pitcher throws glove and ball to F5. Do you let F5 make a TAG with the glove/ball combination?
I agree, two bases seems harsh, and maybe one would be more appropriate, but, I do not think an F3 that catches a glove/ball combo from a pitcher is any more "in possession" of the ball than was the Toronto F3 who had the ball inside his uniform last year, grabbed the ball through the shirt, and was awarded the out. And apparently the powers that be thought so as well, which is why the interpretaion was written that would deny this out today.
For those that want to rule based on the OBR way, maybe the OBR way is the one that's wrong. And maybe it will evolve over time, with another interpretation, just as the ball in the shirt situation did.