Going into the 5th (last) inning in todays fall ball double header I asked the coaches what the score was. One said tied at 17-17. The other (home) team said they had the lead 18-17. After looking at the scorebooks it became clear that both teams had multiple erasures, mark outs, etc making it darn near impossible to tell who did what. So we went with home team book is official and even though the visitors swore they were right they accepted the vedict. Three up, three down, game over.
My question is how much is the umpire supposed to remember about who did what? If it was a closer game I hope I would have remembered the high points and would have been able to clear things up 100%. But so many runs were being scored that I honestly didn't remember the exact replay of any particular inning.
Where does the umpires' responsibility begin and end when it comes to scorebook verification?