Thread: toss glove
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Old Sat Sep 11, 2004, 09:12pm
umpyre007 umpyre007 is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 118
Re: Hmmm,

Originally posted by Tim C
"FED rules may form the "vast basis" of the rule book but there are certain things that are left to the governing leagues."

Please be very careful with statements such as this.

The Federation Charter states, areas, cities and leagues are not allowed to make arbitrary changes to FED rules.

While it is clear that some areas "say" they have local interpretations those changes ARE NOT condoned or accepted by FED.

FED has no process (other than FED asking states to 'try' new or corrected rulings in test situations) for states to step outside their rules.

If you don't believe me on this issue just contact Kyle McNeely and he can explain more fully.

I would appreciate that you let me contact your local assignor or association President so that we can discuss what local rules your group has established.

Thanks in advance.


Nowhere did I state that these changes to FED rules were our association's changes. We work for entities so we adjust to those entities' wishes. I doubt very little would be accomplished by you since you are not recognized in my area. Like the rest of us you're just another Internet umpire. You'll have to set up the appointment with the local leagues that are run by HS principals and ADs anyway.


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