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Old Fri Mar 23, 2001, 09:21pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by JJ
Still being the devil's advocate -
FED rule 8-2-2 says, "An advancing runner shall touch first, second, third, and then home plate in order...", and Penalty (Art.1-5) For failure to touch base (ADVANCING or returning)...the runner is out. After all playing action has ended, the umpire will ... call runner(s) out.", and (page 46) "With two out, if the base was the first one to which the BATTER or runner was forced to advance, no runs would score" (sounds to me like a batter CAN be forced to advance...).
That seem like the contradiction in terms I can't get by - it says failure to touch ADVANCING or returning...the runner is out, sounds like a baserunning infraction to me...then it says "With TWO OUT", which is a selling point of Carl's, but when I go back and read that "runner shall touch first, second, etc. or he's out, and couple that with the batter-runner not making it to first to end an inning on the "fourth out" yadda, yadda, yadda...
Can you see why I'm confused? Or is it just that stubborn streak in me that won't listen to reason?
I'm not arguing with anyone here - just arguing my point...

[Edited by JJ on Mar 23rd, 2001 at 07:29 PM]
I read "fail to touch while advancing" as NOT being the same as "failing to continue to advance and touch after the third out"

See, IMHO, once the third out is made, there can be no more "advancing." Since the base wasn't missed before the third out, it wasn't missed while "advancing." Whatever happens (or doesn't happen) after doesn't matter.