Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by GarthB
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by GarthB
Carl wrote:
As I told Tim, things are different now that Rumble has retired. Said he: "You bet! I like Elliot. He listens."
This begs the question, to whom is he listening? Apparently not to Tim or other sensible state level interpreters who preferred that FED adopt an OBR-like intepretation.
In the meantime, I have clipped your message and sent it to Tim. No doubt he'll get a good laugh when he finds out you thought he was begging the question.
Note that what I wrote is a quote (Said he: "You bet! I like Elliot. He listens."). They are not my words, and I checked the quote with Tim to be sure it was accurate.
I doubt Tim will laugh. I emailed him myself with the same remark. He knows it is not an insult, but rather an honest question. And Tim is one who answers honest questions rather than avoiding them or trying to make them out to be something other than just what they are. I've never heard a cross word from Tim and I've never, in the long time we've been acquainted, seen him belittle anyone.
This is just one reason Tim, in the opinon of many,is the most respected umpire on the internet.
I expect instead an intelligent reply as to why he thinks his opinion didn't sway Elliot.
[Edited by GarthB on Sep 10th, 2004 at 01:20 AM]
Go look over someone's shoulder next week. Stevens writes for Officiating.com. He'll explain it for you.
BTW: I, too, knew you didn't realize you were accusing Mr. Stevens of deceptive argument. Fact is, you just can't let it go when you're wrong.
I knew I was going to hate myself for "talking" to you.
I'll never understand you. Where was I wrong?
When Tim told me his interpretation for the state of Washington and I relayed that to you?
Or maybe when Elliot issued a ruling and I said all FED umpires should follow his ruling?
Or maybe because I personally disagree with the ruling as do Rich, Tim, Tee and a number of others you chose not to harass. I guess what I did wrong was to question the BRD. God forgive me.
I don't know why you would hate yourself for posting. I said nothing against you. And when I found another error at officiating.com, I sent it to you privately rather than posting it here.
As I said I will never understand you.