It is one thing to have a ruling in the casebook that everyone can see. It is entirely another thing to have a play or a situation that the NF has never put in black and white. States can and do take those plays and make a decision. Or they take a fringe rule or mechanic and decide what is going to be done with their officials. There have even been situations where the NF came out and said things on their website and Official's Quarterly to only contradict with rulebook logic and common sense. I know my state in those cases have made their own rulings or interpretations to give their officials some clarity on questions their officials have come up with.
It might not be a baseball situation, but I know the IHSA has told us to not make an issue with certain religious expressions that directly contradict the rulebook in basketball. They also allowed players in basketball to wear an insulin pump, which seems to directly contradict the NF rulebook. It happens quite often around here and I could not even tell you who those people are that many refer to. Those are not the people we answer to. If they want us to do something, if we want to work the playoffs, we do what they request. When in Rome.......
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)