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Old Fri Sep 10, 2004, 10:48am
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally posted by mcrowder
Honestly, for varsity games, almost always the flip is done BEFORE the meeting at midfield, and everything determined then ... the meeting is a formality for show, and only R and U are there.

For Sub-V - we usually have the R, U, and L there. H is usually rounding up a chain crew and teaching them what to do... if he's got that handled already, he may or may not be there for the flip. (And for 7th and below, we often have coaches there, just within earshot, in case a kid's going to screw it up.)
That's a local variation, as is ours. We flip the coin at midfield, live. I am already at midfield and the other officials bring out the captains when I call for them. Only the U joins for the toss while the other officials stand at the hashmarks.

I know I do one thing differently than some -- I make the kid call it before I toss it and I let the coin hit the ground. I see some guys catch the coin in a weird way and it makes me cringe.

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