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Old Fri Sep 10, 2004, 07:49am
FUBLUE FUBLUE is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 508
Allow this rant from my past weekend tournaments.

Worked two separate tournaments at same Festival. One was Women's FP and the other was Youth 14U Open.

14U Open: I'm BU. Batter squares to bunt, goes after a high inside pitch...from my view at 1B, definitely ATTEMPTS AT THE BALL. PU from his preying mantis position stands up and points kind of at me but more at the walnut tree in right center. Doesn't say a word. I hesitate. He points again, so now I can assume he wants an appeal. I say, "Yes" and raise the hammer. Coach questions if he called it or not. PU screams "he's the one who called it, not me!"

Women's FP: Partner and I talked tournament about BU going out on fly balls. WE both agreed that they should and that PU would pick up responsibilities for base runner(s). Situation 1--I'm PU, BU goes out on fly ball (it was going to be close to fair/foul and was a great sliding catch). I see BU turn, move wide towards circle to take runner to 2B if needed, see the catch, wait, wait, wait, BU never signals. I finally signal. I ask BU why no signal: It's not my call!

Situation 2--Should have know this would happen. Similar play to before, but I'm BU, ball diving towards line, FP does great soccer slide catch. As I start to signal out, I hear my partner say "out". I turn, and PU is about 10 feet down line, right on line, big smile on the face and a weak looking out call. I ask after the game: Why did you make that call,I was right there? Response: It's my call, I have all fly balls. My next questions: So why did I bother to go out? Response: to see if the ball was caught, but that was my call to make.

Inside I'm thinking "thankfully it was the last game we had together. Keep strutting around the diamond like you own the place. Eventually something will bite you, and bite you good. And I'll hope we're not together on this game when that happens."
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