Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
I've just added WCB to the list of Forum members I won't reply to anymore.
It's a short list.
Papa C
That's a smart move. You stepped into the box and forgot your bat. Your wordsmithing may fool others, but you give up when someone successfully challenges the veracity of your statements. Truer colors were never seen.
Carl is a reporter, not an interpreter. He "reported" the FED interpretation that is in conflict with OBR and NCAA. In order to report this interpretation, he had to use his extensive experience to interpret their language. It turns out he got it right, at least as far as the national FED is concerned. Carl does not concern himself with how the state interpreters rule.
My Carl bashing credentials are exceeded only by those of Bfair. You are relatively new here but as any long timer can tell you, Bfair and I have a long history of beating up on Carl. Yet Bfair has indicated that Carl reported this ruling in the only way that he could, absent an official ruling from the FED. Likewise, I opined that it was dangerous to argue with Carl when he knows all of the history and had the inside contacts.
Rather than stepping in the box without a bat as you claimed, Carl stepped in the box with a very big bat indeed. To claim otherwise is to turn logic on its head. You have engaged the man from Wheaton in so many discussions that you have started to think like him. Standing logic on its head is his specialty; being illogical is also his specialty.
After a long discussion (flame war if you will), when Carl is proven right, he tends to gloat. That is his specialty. To call this anything other than a home run for Carl, is to be out of contact with reality. If Carl can hit home runs without "a bat", so much the better for him.
The only thing that would have been sweeter for Carl would be to have Bfair on the other side so that Carl could gloat at Bfair as well.
All that being said, I don't recall Carl taking a position one way or another as to whether he thinks the ruling is good for baseball. Unless Tim Stevens surprises us, Carl was reporting the facts and he got them right.