The University of Georgia has a radio play-by-play man that is an institution down here, Larry Munson. A great number of play-by-play announcers try to emulate him. That being said, there is one particular PA at a school down here that just thinks he is the next Larry Munson. He will always try to do the play-by-play from the press box. I've gotten to know the guy fairly well over the years and anytime I am assigned a game at that school I make it a point to go and visit with the PA announcer before the game. At that time I remind him that as a PA announcer he is obligated to be neutral and to only deliver pertinent information to the crowd. I remind him that if I hear any Munsonesque comments from him that it will cost the home team. That usually keeps him under control. I've been told by other referees that he tries to do it at every game. He doesn't do it to be contrary, he just gets wrapped up in the game.
"I love it when they boo!"