Thread: PA's statement
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Old Wed Sep 08, 2004, 06:23am
jack015 jack015 is offline
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Posts: 140
Originally posted by jack015
I just received the following email from another member of my Official's Association.

"I know rule 2 specifically states MD/OD for written authorization to play with a cast

We had a situation Friday that a coach presented a statement signed by a physicians assistant (pa). We, of course could not accept it. However, later he gave us a statement (with a md's letterhead) and had one of those unintelligible signatures with the legal statement "by or for" beside the signature. I know in certain legal situations this is acceptable. However I don't know about this situation. If this was someone's signature other than the physician, there is no assurance that this person is legally authorized to sign for the physician? Or, do we accept it at face value."

Am interested to see what other's thoughts are.
I got some additional information at our rules clinic last night - "later he gave us a statement (with a md's letterhead) and had one of those unintelligible signatures with the legal statement "by or for" beside the signature."

After being presented with this document, they allowed him to play.
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