Tue Sep 07, 2004, 10:17am
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785
Originally posted by WyMike
A similar situation arose last night at our officials meeting... A discussion arose concerning a game where the opposing coach complained the band was playing loudly during their possesions and A was having a difficult time hearing audibles and counts.
R didn't do anything but stayed aware and noticed the band did indeed go quiet during home teams possesion. None of the crews, some with 25 years experience, had never heard of a coach complain in this manner.
Discussion ensued as to whether the NFHS rules addressed this specifically. I piped up, being the new guy and told them about this PA thread which was similar.
A lot of arguing, err, debating was had by all except me. (I'm still to new to be arguing with 25 years of experience!)
Isn't this an officials *overall* call as it lends an advantage to one team over another?
Real sportsmanlike, isn't it?