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Old Mon Sep 06, 2004, 01:56pm
JRutledge JRutledge is online now
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,533

I want to know what kind of coach I have to deal with if possible. Officials talk, so many guys know who the problems are and how they act. I agree that coaches should be given a clean slate, but their reputation is always going to precede them.

In my playoff game this past year. One of the coaches has a horrible reputation with officials. I have dealt with this coach in summer leagues and tournaments and he really is a nice guy. He just does not understand sometimes how to keep his emotions in check when things do not go his way. I had never worked a regular season with this coach, but he left me alone. He complained about a couple of calls and did not say another word. I had two games in my regional with him and in the last game he was an angel. He did nothing out of the ordinary or says anything out of the ordinary. I was prepared for all this bad behavior, but when he asked a question I answered it. When he made a comment I addressed it. I let him know that I was listening when I was in front of him. Both games went smoothly.

I have had similar situations in my career and all I do is listen and confront them when it is warranted. They do get a fair shake from me, but I do not forget actions that happen in the past. If I have had a coach that was a real a$$ at one of my games, I let my partners know that he is that way. I do not go out to get them. I just might take a different road to accomplish what I want to in the next game. In other words I might have a quicker T if they go down that some road or take similar action that I let go in a previous game. Not much else you can do.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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