Originally posted by Derock2004
Originally posted by JugglingReferee
It's a free country - the PA announcer can say whatever he wants.
You don't think the announcer shouting DEFENSE over the PA system gives the home team an unfair advantage?
In the Canadian Rule book, the only rule that comes even close to pertaining to a PA announcer is 1.5.5 - Crowd Noise
"The Team A captain may request the Referee to stop the game if excessive crowd noise prevents Team A from putting the ball into play. The Referee, if he agrees with the captain, may permit Team A to return to its huddle. The Referee shall allow a reasonable time, but under no circumstances shall he permit play to be delayed more than 3 times."
This really has nothing to do with the PA announcer, but it could if he was causing excessive noise while the play was about to start.
As to what or what he can't say, the officials have no jurisdiction with that (unless he starts to make cracks about the officials
