Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
JV game last night, 4 man crew. I'm R.
QB rolls out left, starts to run. About eight yards beyond the LOS, he options left. Except that from my vantage point it was pretty clear it was a forward pass. No flag from the wing looking right through it. I'm quite a bit behind the QB with a poor angle on such a thing, so I pass on it myself.
I commit the yard line to memory and continue officiating the play.
Since the play ended up on the left side I asked the wing what he saw. He told me that he thought it was forward but for some reason didn't throw the flag. I asked him if he was certain it was forward. He said, yes, he was certain.
I went back to the spot of the pass and threw my flag in the air.
I swear, we didn't get a word of grief AT ALL from the offensive sidelines. turns out they saw it very well. In the end, the defensive head coach was impressed that we would risk looking foolish to get it right, but I did have a talk with the wing afterwards and I told him that it is easier to pick it up than it is to throw it after the play like that -- and if he sees it as a forward pass (like he did) to have the confidence to throw it. I know that the QB was about to get hit so he wasn't looking at a point of attack elsewhere.
OK, so the questions: How would you folks handle this as a white hat? Would you have thrown YOUR flag during the play and have a talk with the wing afterwards giving you the chance to pick up YOUR flag? I could've easily winged my flag in there, but with a linsman right there....
Great FR/JV DH last night. Ended up white-hatting both games against my will 
V game tonight. I love Fridays during football season.
If I know it was a FP, I flag it. If I am not sure, I don't. I would then, as you did, talk to the wing. And I would also throw my flag if he was sure that it was a foul. Good officiating to grab the point of foul line.
I believe I would have done what you did.