Originally posted by WindyCityBlue
A "National Interpretation" may be of no consequence for those of us that have logical rule interpreters in our state. Once again, check with your official rule interpreter or state association. We have already seen several states that will not permit the "national interp".
Your post is a good lead in to a political observation that I made a number of years ago.
When faced with obscure or idiotic FED interpretations, it is best to call the game as it is called on TV. The particpants and some fans will know how MLB calls a certain rule. If you enforce the OBR interpretation in a high school game even if it is in violation of a FED rule, few if anyone will notice. OTOH, if your enforce an obscure and idiosyncric FED rule, everyone will think that it is the umpire that is incompetent. You won't make any coach's lists that way and your association may sustain a black mark.