Originally posted by His High Holiness
Originally posted by GarthB
Per the Washigton State FED baseball clinician and the WIAA newly appointed Director of Baseball, Tim Stevens, the result of the described play would be the same as in OBR...an out.
"When F4's glove is throw to F3 and F3 catches it, he has caught the ball, and it is still a force out...no different from OBR. That is what I meant by 2-9-1.
The bit about 8-3-3c would be if the ball got lodged and the kid started freaking out and spent all his time trying to dislodge the ball, and the runner is circling the bases like mad the whole time."
Maybe it's for that new edition, eh Peter?
It would appear that the BRD has an error. If Freix were here, he would have a field day (and make us suffer through a 3000 word post.) OTOH, I would not put it past the National FED to overrule Washington state and Illinois.
You know Tim better than that.
Can't remember the last time Stevens lost a disagreement with national. In fact, he is the author of a new interp that made it in last year. No, I think Elliot would agree with Stevens.