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Old Thu Sep 02, 2004, 02:26am
PSU213 PSU213 is offline
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Re: 3a? Runner ruled not down by defensive contact?

Originally posted by KWH
In Rut's link under FAQ's it has a questionable review. It states:

Q. What calls are subject to review under instant replay?
A. The following plays are subject to review under instant replay:
3. Other Detectable Infractions:
a. Runner ruled not down by defensive contact.

My best guess is this is a cut and paste issue. Or am I missing something?
Last time I checked the NCAA rules when a runner is down the play is over! Down by contact is not a factor...
I don't really have any idea why they included the words "defensive contact," but I assume that means they will review plays where the offensive player's knee may have touched the ground but the play continued.

Here is my question on the issue, and I hope someone could shed some light on the situation. In interconference games, replay can be used if the visiting (non-Big Ten) team agrees to it. Often time the road team "brings" the officials. Will those officials be "updated" on how replay works? Again, any information on the subject is appreciated.
If the play is designed to fool someone, make sure you aren't the fool.