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Old Wed Sep 01, 2004, 01:44pm
Kaliix Kaliix is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 555
I think you misread the rule in the JR manual. I just received the newest rules difference edition and the exception you refer to starts out, "2. If a runner and protected fielder contact during a fair or catchable batted ball, but the runner is touching his base when the contact occurs, he has not interfered...."

This second exception deals with FIELDER and runner on base contacting. If the runner is on his base and contacts a batted ball, he has still interfered and is out, unless the ball has gone past a fielder, blah, blah, blah.

Originally posted by gordon30307
I had a chance to look this up in J/R. There are two exceptions where a base is a safe haven. In the event of an infield fly and when the fielder is in the proximity of the base if the runner is on the base and it hits him. It makes sense that the runner has to stay on the base if the ball and fielder are in the immediate vicinity otherwise he's an easy out.
Well I am certainly wiser than this man. It is only too likely that neither of us has any knowledge to boast of; but he thinks that he knows something which he does not know, whereas I am quite conscious of my ignorance. At any rate it seems that I am wiser than he is to this small extent, that I do not think that I know what I do not know. ~Socrates
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