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Old Thu Mar 22, 2001, 02:25am
Warren Willson Warren Willson is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 561
Originally posted by Whowefoolin
But, please, Carl, to say that out of all the long winded post in the off season, that six that you picked were instructional is a very low percentage to the whole lot. No one is questioning the board, just asking questions. No need to defend so strictly.
Geez, Max, that's a terrible st..stutter you've got! (grin) Maybe you need to delete one of the duplicate posts, eh?

BTW, Carl's 6 instructional plays were from the "LAST 4 DAYS!". That looks like a pretty HIGH percentage to me, especially in that short space of time. Sure there was a higher percentage of 3rd world plays over the off-season, but most of them spoke to legitimate issues of principle. I remember one thread where people were complaining bitterly about the 3rd world nature of the play (one of the weekly interps), UNTIL I pointed out the enforcement principle involved and then it all made sense.

There is a vast range of knowledge and experience on the board, Max. Not all that is discussed will be applicable at your particular knowledge or experience level, but some of it certainly will. If it bothers you, simply ignore that which you find irrelevant, and let those who enjoy the mental exercise have their fun.

Please don't regard this as some sort of strident defense of the status quo; it's just a statement of an alternative viewpoint. Ok?

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