Originally posted by David Emerling
Originally posted by JJ
Does anyone have any suggestions for changes to the NFHS Umpire's Manual? They're getting ready to go to print (as they do every two years) and this would be a good time to offer suggestions. Thanks!
The NFHS umpire has always advocated that the PU take the batter-runner into 3rd base, not the BU.
I don't know an umpire in the world that does that, yet, it's in the book.
Somehow I doubt they are taking any suggestions.
David Emerling
Memphis, TN
We give our PU's the option, and many of our PU's will take the BR to third. Especially if the BU gets handcuffed with a trouble ball or a ball hit down the RF line.
Just makes it easier for the BU and PU is already there.
So, it might not be standard, but it can work.