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Old Mon Aug 30, 2004, 06:21pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,538
Talking At least I can do that.

I guess for the people in Oregon that can be a problem.

Originally posted by KWH

That is a false statment! I have corrected you on your false statement. If you see my post above it links you to the "Debate" we were both involved in last year. In such debate we were on the same side of the fence. I have now corrected you twice on this issue. Since you have been made aware of this issue, if you continue to make this acusation about me you are then nothing but a liar!
I think that would be “false statement” and “accusation.” Now does that not make you less than perfect?

KWH, you link is not to the discussion I am talking about. If you do not agree, find that discussion. I do not care to because this discussion is stupid. We were talking about the momentum exception, not about some discussion that happen that only you seem to care about.

Originally posted by KWH
Sounds like you were pretty busy with 25 penalties.
With that kind of record I don't know how you found the time to check the sidelines, locker rooms, and the press box.
That was supposed to be a dig? I guess they do not get out of the house very often in Oregon.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by JRutledge
We get a pretty good chuckle our own selves over dorks that go on the internet and brag about throwing 25 penalties in a high school game.
Question: Have you ever Sh*t your pants and admitted it?
That was bragging? Wow KHW, you really do not get out of the house very often. Maybe there will come a time when you will move on to another discussion. I know I do not come here for your approval, I sure how no one comes here for mine.

Now let us post something that is a benefit to the entire board next time. Now I have done that all weekend, have you done that once today?

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)