My UIC has told us that when the runner stops, we give them 1 second (usually one-thousand one) before they have to go one way or the other. This usually give the runner time to see exactly where the ball is and what the pitcher is doing with it (whether she is trying to make a play, staring down the runner or getting ready for the next pitch). If the runner isn't moving one way or the other by that time, then it is a dead ball, runner out.
Now as for how fast they have to get back to the base, I can't find where it says anything about how fast they have to get back to the base (as long as they are on the base when pitcher is ready to pitch). I have seen many times like you say that the runner just walks slowly back to the bag to draw the throw. I have also seen many runners "jog" to second base with a runner on third. So I really can't see where the coach states that it is violating the spirit of the rule.