"My pitcher got called for a balk. I talked to the umpire about it and he said that the pitcher had to "step off" before making the throw. I disagreed.
I'm convinced that he only called it a balk because it surprised him. So, a few batters later, with a runner on 1st, I explicitly told my pitcher to repeat the maneuver. He did. The umpire did *not* call it a balk although it was the indentical move."
I doubt that the only reason he called it a balk was because he was surprised. It was probably a combinatin of poor training (perhaps coaching when he played), and the moved looked awkward (surprising).
I called a balk "because he didn't step off" when I first started umpiring Babe Ruth. I had seen other umpires call this a balk and I don't think my partner had a clue as to whether it was a balk.
Personally, a coach doesn't necessarily have to know the rules all that well to be a "good" coach. Even if the coach thinks the hands are part of the bat, he still could be successful. In this situation, though, it could make a difference if the coach knows how to properly train his pitchers - but this one move is not going to change a winning team from a losing one.