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Old Sat Aug 28, 2004, 02:14am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by rainmaker
I don't understand why this situation couldn't be addressed more clearly in the rule and case books. I doubt they could have made it more difficult to do the right thing if they'd spent a whole weekend trying. If the specific situation of not putting players into the bottom lane spaces requires a technical foul, why not list it specifically in the rule book? It's specifically described in Rule 9 which is Violations, and that makes it sound as though the appropriate penalty would be the delayed violation thing where a substitute shot is awarded. However, it's not referenced specifically in the Penalty to 9-1. And why list it at all in Rule 9 if it should be a technical? Then the case book situation references 4-46. But that specific situation isn't mentioned there. And there is nothing in 4-46 that says that any delay that's not listed is an automatic technical. For anyone who wants to find a positive reference for the correct penalty, it's just very, very confusing.

That's my rant for the day. I think I'll go tilt at some windmills!
I understand your frustration. However, I do see that you found the proper case book play, 10.1.5SitC. It is labeled that way because delaying the game in this manner is a TEAM technical foul under 10-1-5b. "Delay the game by preventing the ball from being made promptly live or from being put in play."
Clearly the defensive team is preventing the ball from being made promptly live because the official cannot put the ball at the disposal of the FT shooter (which would make it live) until the two marked-lane spaces nearest the basket are occupied by defensive players.
That's my explanation of where it is in the rules book.

As for 4-46, that lists the team delay of game warnings. The three items listed therein are the only reasons a warning for delay may be given. If a team delays in some other way, which does not fall under the purview of 4-46, the rules demand that an immediate technical foul be called under 10-1-5b. You should think of 10-1-5b as the general case and 4-46 as the exceptions to it. Basically, give a technical foul unless they are doing one of the three things listed in 4-46, then just give a warning.

Now if you really want frustrating, try to prove to someone using the rules book that the warnings are separate and that a team could actually have three different warnings in the same game without receiving a technical foul. This is what I believe should be clarified in the books.

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